- In the beginning, it's the people
- Code should be beautiful
- Customers are not a necessary evil
- Love your work and your work will be loved
- Shelfware is wrong
- Let us surprise you
- 1.618033988749894848204586834
- In the end, it's the people
using System; public class User { public int ID { get; private set; } public string Name { get; private set; } public string LastName { get; private set; } public int Age { get; private set; } public User WithID(int id) { ID = id; return this; } public User WithName(string name) { Name = name; return this; } public User WithLastName(string lastName) { LastName = lastName; return this; } public User WithAge(int age) { Age = age; return this; } public User() { ID = 0; Name = string.Empty; LastName = string.Empty; Age = 0; } }
using System; using AutoMapper; using System.Data; using System.Collections.Generic; public class UserMapper { public IEnumerableMap(DataTable data) { AutoMapper.Mapper.Reset(); AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap () .ForMember(t => t.ID, f => f.MapFrom(r => r["IdUser"])) .ForMember(t => t.LastName, f => f.MapFrom(r => r["Last_Name"])); return AutoMapper.Mapper.Map >(data.CreateDataReader()); } }
using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using PruebaAutoMapper; using System.Collections; using FluentAssertions; private DataTable CreateDataTable() { var result = new DataTable(); result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("IdUser", typeof(int))); result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Name", typeof(string))); result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Last_Name", typeof(string))); result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Age", typeof(int))); result.Rows.Add(1, "NameI", "Last_NameI", 1); result.Rows.Add(2, "NameII", "Last_NameII", 2); result.Rows.Add(3, "NameIII", "Last_NameIII", 3); result.Rows.Add(4, "NameIV", "Last_NameIV", 4); return result; } private IEnumerableCreateList() { var result = new List (); result.Add(new User().WithID(1).WithName("NameI").WithLastName("Last_NameI").WithAge(1)); result.Add(new User().WithID(2).WithName("NameII").WithLastName("Last_NameII").WithAge(2)); result.Add(new User().WithID(3).WithName("NameIII").WithLastName("Last_NameIII").WithAge(3)); result.Add(new User().WithID(4).WithName("NameIV").WithLastName("Last_NameIV").WithAge(4)); return result; } [TestMethod()] public void MapTest() { UserMapper mapper = new UserMapper(); var data = CreateDataTable(); var expected = CreateList(); var actual = mapper.Map(data); expected.ToList().ShouldAllBeEquivalentTo(actual.ToList()); } }
describe("Test for Fluent Car", function(){ it("Create simple Object Car", function () { var car = new Car(); expect(car).not.toBeNull(); }) it("initialize Model", function () { var car = new Car(); var model = 'Model'; car.withModel(model); expect(car.Model()).toEqual(model); }) it("initialize Model & Gas", function () { var car = new Car(); var model = 'Model'; var gas = 120; car.withModel(model) .withGas(gas); expect(car.Model()).toEqual(model); expect(car.Gas()).toEqual(gas); }) it("initialize Make & Model & Gas", function () { var car = new Car(); var make = 'make'; var model = 'Mmdel'; var gas = 120; car.withModel(model) .withMake(make) .withGas(gas); expect(car.Model()).toEqual(model); expect(car.Make()).toEqual(make); expect(car.Gas()).toEqual(gas); }) it("initialize Height & Width", function () { var car = new Car(); var height = 147; var width = 259; car.withHeight(height) .withWidth(width); expect(car.Height()).toEqual(height); expect(car.Width()).toEqual(width); }) });
function Car(){ this._make = ''; this._model = ''; this_gas = 0; this._height = 0; this._width = 0; function Make(){ return this._make; } function withMake(make){ this._make = make; return this; } function Model(){ return this._model; } function withModel(model){ this._model = model; return this; } function Gas(){ return this._gas; } function withGas(gas){ this._gas = gas; return this; } function Height(){ return this._height; } function withHeight(height){ this._height = height; return this; } function Width(){ return this._width; } function withWidth(width){ this._width = width; return this; } return{ Make:Make, withMake:withMake, Model:Model, withModel:withModel, Gas:Gas, withGas:withGas, Width:Width, withWidth:withWidth, Height:Height, withHeight:withHeight } }