jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Nice ecosystem software

  1. Quality tests – sometimes TDD, sometimes test first, and sometimes test after.
  2. Refactor to your heart’s content – if you’re afraid to change code because it might break something, you have problems. Follow SOLID principles as best as you responsibly can and you’ll have fewer problems here.
  3. Continuous integration – make sure everything is working all the time. It helps in the long run (and by long run, I mean tomorrow). Oh, and by CI, I mean CI done right.
  4. Collective code ownership – everybody owns this feature; it’s not just my own. a.k.a. No silos. Also, your victories must be shared, but your failures are also not your own.
  5. Deploy early and often – The best time to deploy a feature is the moment it’s declared “Done” (or Done, done, done). The longer the span between this time and delivery, the more likely it is to fail.

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